søndag den 7. november 2010

Have you heard about any school shootings in Europe

(1) - What do you know about school shootings?
- know there are bang, bang gun, with . An this a crazy peoble there do it.

(2) - What is a school shootings?
 - School shootings is a boy/girl school poubel there going in to a school an schoot peoble.

(3) - Who is responsible for school shootings?
 - This is the parrens an the school shooter.

(4) - Why do many school shootings take place in USA?
 - I dont know maby becoes man can buy gun´s in USA an many has gun´s.

(5) - What is your opinion of school shoogtings?
 - I think school shooting are crazy, an peoble there do it sha in presion for life.

Der er mange stave fejl!!! :D

tirsdag den 2. november 2010


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